All Posts Tagged: snoring

It’s Just Snoring

While many people do snore, heavy or severe snoring isn’t part of a healthy sleep pattern. Snoring is a sign that you’re not getting enough air with each breath. Pauses in breathing mean that your airway has closed. This is Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Snoring can also be a symptom of a serious health condition like […]

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Dehydration, Nighttime Urination, Bedwetting and How It Relates to Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Dehydrated? Get more sleep….Tired? Drink more water….it’s all connected. This article reviews what we already know about proper sleep time and quality: if your sleep is disrupted it affects our entire body chemistry. Kidney function is also impacted by Sleep Apnea and other sleep breathing problems. Proper length and depth of sleep is known to […]

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