All Posts Tagged: sleep breathing disorders

10 Myths About Sleep

We sleep about 1/3rd of our lives and science still can’t find a reason why we do. It’s such a fascinating cascade of chemistry, feedback loops and brain activity that still baffles science. There are still mysteries that our Creator uses to prove this stuff couldn’t just evolve. Sleep is one of those mysteries. Look […]

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Why might I need a sleep study and how do I get one?

A sleep study would be indicated by consistent snoring, feeling unrested after a night’s sleep (frequently), clenching or grinding of the teeth (indicates a high probability of a sleep breathing disorder), or repeated waking throughout the night. Any treatment a Dentist might provide to diagnose or treat a sleep breathing problem, needs the patient’s physician […]

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Why can’t I get to sleep?

In an article from the American Sleep Association they recommend some of the basics to start with such as avoiding caffeine for several hours before bedtime. They report that brainwave patterns during can continue to show effects of a double espresso coffee 16 hours after it was consumed! In the same study, the measurable level of caffeine […]

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Dehydration, Nighttime Urination, Bedwetting and How It Relates to Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Dehydrated? Get more sleep….Tired? Drink more water….it’s all connected. This article reviews what we already know about proper sleep time and quality: if your sleep is disrupted it affects our entire body chemistry. Kidney function is also impacted by Sleep Apnea and other sleep breathing problems. Proper length and depth of sleep is known to […]

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The Impact of Cell Usage on College Kids

Research shows that use of electronics pre-bedtime can affect sleep. A recent study of college students’ use of Cell Phones after “lights out” was shown to definitively contribute to sleep disturbances and mental distress. This was a large, significant group of almost 4,400 college students self-reporting cell phone use and specifically, use in bed after […]

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You, The Well-Informed Parent: Advocate for Your Children and Teens!

In my last post, it was my intention to pay attention to how your children are sleeping (or not). If YOU are awake much of the night…perhaps you need a screening for a sleep breathing disorder! A variety of symptoms can present when children/teens don’t get the proper quantity and quality of sleep regularly. Children […]

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